File Curricular
Lic. Guillermo Manuel Barragán Gutiérrez
Managing Partner of Environmental, Urban Law and Compliance, Administrative Litigation and Amparo
Partner in charge of the area of law and compliance in environmental and urban matters, administrative litigation and protection. In the Cancun office, Quintana Roo is responsible for the preparation of diagnoses and viability of real estate projects, interdisciplinary coordination between the various professionals involved in the preparation of Environmental Impact Manifestations (MIA), integration and processing of Zone Concession Titles Federal Maritime Terrestrial (ZOFEMAT).
He graduated with a Law Degree from the Anáhuac University of Cancun, he has a Master's Degree in Environmental Law from the School of Environmental Studies. Certified Compliance Specialist for Companies. He has participated in the Diploma in General Notions of Law Taught by the Institute of the Federal Judiciary; Diploma in Human Rights and Diploma in Federal Judicial Proceedings, both taught by the House of Legal Culture of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation. He is a Director of the Center for Mediation, Arbitration and Compliance of Mexico.